Monday, April 15, 2013

April Snow

It's April. Snow should be melting and summer coming, BUT here we are ANOTHER blizzard. This time though something special happened- new records were made. Ummm... I totally could have been happy without making those new records! I usually love the snow and enjoy playing outside, shoveling all the fun things winter brings. This year I am tired and so ready for Spring and warmth! I have a child now and it isn't easy to just dress him in a coat and head outside- he would FREEZE!! So we have spent a lot of this winter in the house. I am not a big homebody, we both have gotten major cabin fever and need to spend some hours outside in the sun! Since we had to have more snow though, here are some pics and the records Bismarck broke yesterday.

According to Kevin Lawrence at


The official snow measurement as the Bismarck airport is 15.8" as of 7pm, but still snowing. The previous one-day record was March 3, 1966 (Blizzard of the Century...) with 15.5". The third all-time
 record is 15.2" on April 5, 1997

The ending number for the Bismarck airport was 17.7 inches.
We also made the record for the most snowfall in April.

Eric, naturally, got stuck in Belfield! He had to take back roads to Dickinson where his hotel room was. I tell you, for being a "Southern" boy, he does amazing driving and getting around in the crazy weather. It scares me and I grew up in it!


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