Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6 Month Summary

Time is going way too fast! My little guy is growing up- He turned seven months!
This is summary for his sixth month of life.

According to What to Expect the First Year

He is doing everything a baby

should be able to do:
  •  keep head level with body when pulled to sitting
  • say "ah-goo" or similar vowel consonant combinations
will probably be able to:
  • bear some weight on legs when held upright
  • sit without support
  • turn in the direction of a voice
  • razz (make a wet razzing sound)  (insert thank you to my mom and dad!! lol)
may possibly be able to:
  • object if you take a toy away
  • work to get a toy that's out of reach
  • pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other
  • look for dropped objects
  • rake with fingers a tin object and pick it up in fist
  • babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, da-da-da (so far only the ga-ga-ga) 
  • feed self cracker or other finger foods.
For this category the only thing he can't do is... stand holding to someone or something. He is still really wobbly on those legs.

He can't do anything out of the may even be able to:
which is... creep or crawl (although he does push himself backwards), get into sitting position from stomach, pick up tiny objects with thumb and finger, say "mama" or "dada" discriminately.

He is doing fantastic with eating. Loves all food except peaches!! I have tried them on several occasions and he just spits them back out. This month he has started to take a bite and immediately blow a razz... I try to ignore it since I am pretty sure he is just discovering and not being naughty. I make a mix of homemade and pre-made food. Some of the things he has had are: carrots, purple carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, chicken, apples, mango, banana, whole wheat pasta, chocolate malt o meal, cream of rice, cheerios, roast beef, potatoes, onions, broccoli, parsnips, strawberries, blueberries, prunes, greek yogurt. We are still struggling with a mild sensitivity to milk. I gave him some pudding one day and he threw it up very violently. Made me feel so bad! I am hoping that by the time he is one, his little system will be more tolerant of milk. The last day of his 6th month he started holding his own bottle! I still like to "help" hold it as that is our real bonding time. Also, the last few days of the month he must have been in a growth spurt. He woke up hungry twice a night for several days in a row. Sippy cup is a go- he LOVES it.

He still doesn't have any teeth. It doesn't even LOOK like there are any starting to come in yet.

He started throwing mini tantrums when it was nap and bedtime. Thankfully, we got out of that stage fairly quickly! He still fusses once or twice at night for his pacifier or because he rolled over to his stomach, but doesn't usually fully wake up. When he started rolling over onto his tummy at night and didn't like it so he would fuss and after about a week of getting up multiple times a night to roll him over... I decided he would just would have to learn to deal or roll back over himself. He knows how to roll back over, but since he is asleep he can't?? I guess I don't really understand that one. He cried/fussed, but eventually he fell back asleep on his stomach and it hasn't been and issue again. We do put him to bed on his back though.

He is pushing himself up with his hands so good!! He also can push up onto his toes... like a full on pushup. I am taking that to mean he will be figuring out crawling soon? He is sitting AWESOME and for long periods of time. He falls over reaching for toys! haha. Likes to have lots of toys going at once. He will get them in sync, he is so funny pushing all the buttons. Gets so excited his hands shake! He may not be crawling but the boy is MOBILE! He will make circles around the coffee table by rolling. Cross a room in an instant! Fast little bugger!

We are still having our bedtime ritual. Change diaper, lotion up, put on pajamas, read a book or two, snuggle, pray with him and its into the crib. This has been really good even for me, it gets me out of my "rush" mode and we relax and have fun!

He had fun playing with all the baskets I pulled out

 Under the coffee table

 Helping mom set up the new bed

 Yummy food

 Under the jumper
 Hitting the buttons on several toys at once

1 comment:

  1. You should post some pictures/ingredients of your baby food concoctions! You'll have to introduce us 'big babies' to parsnips!:) LOVE reading your stories! LOVE and MISS you!! <3 Your sister, Krista
